A professional clean, safe, secure and affordable shared living house for women located in Bristol Township in Bucks County, PA

Call (215) 949-1619 to learn about our women’s house. We are affiliated with PARR and NARR and provide a structured home for women.

Stories & Poems

At Guiding Light Houses we have been successful at creating an environment for women to rebuild, restore, and revive the direction of their lives. Hear some of the success stories from those who have come through our clean, safe, affordable shared living house and have since re-integrated back into society as productive individuals.


“I have been through many hard times for the past couple of years. I have been homeless due to my drug addiction. I have been through and seen things you only see on television. I had major issues and gave problems. Esther would always talk to me and try help me. My life has been a struggle until now. Guiding Light Houses has given me hope and strength for a better stronger tomorrow

I am learning to be a stronger, motivated, spiritually independent woman. Never thought my life would ever get better far less change. But, with the help of the wonderful women at Guiding Light Houses I started to read spiritual books, pray, listen more, and talk less, exercise as I see the other women did and started to feel a form of peace that I never felt before – my life began to change. I spend a lot of time talking with Esther and every time we finish talking, she would say, “remember, one day at a time”.

Nine months later I moved on – I moved to another residence in Philly. When I got there believe it or not, I was the one who was up at night cleaning the house. To top it off there was another woman in the house who so reminded me of Esther. She prayed with me and talked to me just like Esther – I called Esther to let her know – we both were cracking up with laughter – Esther said, “Tasha told you that I would rub off on you.” All in all, I am truly thankful for the time I stayed at Guiding Light Houses and for Esther being so patient with me. I am a better person today.”

A day in the Life of our safe, affordable shared living…..

By:  Heather F.

Upon rising I thank God for bringing me another day. Things are stirring in the kitchen, so I pour myself a cup of Jo.

The morning proceeds into our daily devotions. The ladies, who choose to participate, gather around our kitchen table to thank God for our opportunity at a new start, we discuss current readings from spiritual literature, and share our thoughts and experiences in life or just where we are at that moment. After our gathering we all disperse and get ready for the day ahead.

For those of us that work, the day begins with travel to our job’s destination. For those who may be currently unemployed, we travel to search for work using a multitude of resources available to us in this booming area.

When the afternoon comes, we find everyone milling back into the kitchen to get snacks, fresh fruit, and talking about dinner. The house provides fabulous meals prepared daily. These balanced meals consist of protein, starch, and veggies. While one of us prepares dinner, the others set off to do their evening chore.  Whoever is in the house is invited to sit together at the table for dinner as a family.  At dinner we talk about our day’s experiences, we may have had trouble spots, and joys. We then plan what meeting we will attend in the evening or what event may be taking place. (during the spring and summer months activities such as picnics, music gathering’s and water rafting trips come into play.)

Each Monday night counselors visits our residence to discuss many different avenues of rebuilding their lives. This is followed by our weekly, mandatory (everyone in attendance) house meeting.  We talk about the duties in the home, work schedules, appointments, meeting attendance, chores, and general house issues. This is a wonderful time to discuss possible changes, propose suggestions, short term goals, talk about the week ahead and welcome constructive criticisms.

The remaining days in the week are filled with various activities. Nutritious meals are served Monday thru Thursday meeting all dietary needs. Friday thru Sunday our residence plan group meals which includes outdoor barbecuing together, share salads, and a ton of laughs.

The weekends are laid back. Everyone in the house participates in GI (General Inspection) on Saturday morning. This ensures that everyone is learning the skills they will need to eventually move into a home of their own keeping it clean and tidy. On a hot summer weekend, we frolic under our water sprinkler or sit under the backyard trees, reading a good book, or conversing with one another. A parent with management permission will drop in with some cupcakes or fruits for the house while visiting with their daughter. At times parents will take their daughters out to lunch or dinner to have some mother-daughter time. We enjoy the weekend. On Sunday, some of us sleep in.…Yeah!… and there are some of us who choose to do meditation or just simply make it a relaxing day.

This residence is a “stepping stone”. The ladies learn how to incorporate scheduling back into their lives. Eating properly, taking medications regularly, going to work, or finding a job. Also, the planning of making appointments, negotiating travel, budgeting, saving money, and getting along with others. The skills that are taught and encouraged will allow everyone to have a successful transition when they are ready to move forward on their journey.

A Poem By Sakeenah

“Guiding Light Houses (GLH) is tranquil and unique
It teaches you to stand on your own two feet
When you come to the house, you’re scared and nervous
Second guessing yourself, wondering if you deserve this
You’re away from your family and miss them dearly
The least you can do is try sincerely
To better yourself to learn and grow
Cause your past lifestyle is all you know
You learn new things, getting better everyday
Understanding staying clean or clear headed is the only way
With Esther as your guide you cannot go wrong
She prays for you daily, helping you to stay focus and strong
Guiding Light Houses is where you’re destined to be
Cause this my friend will set your soul free
Here you’ll learn forgiveness and let go of the past
See forgiveness of yourself will set you FREE ATLAST.”


Schedule A Call To Talk About Joining Our House

You can fill out the online form to share your request or you can give us a call at (215) 949-1619 today.


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    Linked Resources

    Guiding Light House has developed valuable resource partners and behavioral health resources over the years that work with us to assist our program participants and their families.

    ProAct  www.proact.org - ProAct
    PMH  www.penndelmhc.org - Penndel Mental Health
    BCOC  www.bcoc.org - Bucks County Opportunity Council
    Family Services Association - Family Services Association - Langhorne PA



    • Wear a mask
    • Clean your hands often, either with soap and water for 20 seconds or a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol
    • Sanitize hands before entering residence (on front door)
    • Take temperature before always entering house
    • Do not share towels, sheets, or other personal items
    • Wash clothes once or twice per week
    • Quarantine of those suspicious of infection with symptoms or exposure
    • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash
    • Clean frequently touched objects and surfaces daily. If someone is sick or has tested positive for COVID-19, disinfect frequently touched surfaces
    • Monitor your health daily